Omiyamae Gymnastic is now opened.
From April 1st to 4th is the free entrance and having opening events.
A Project by MISAWA
「 アート界に象徴される刹那さとスピードの中で、いかに建築は立ち続けるべきか」
Jun Aoki & Kenjiro Hosaka & Go Hasagawa
March. 14. 2014:19:00〜21:00
The 1st POLUS Architectural Design Competition
Aoki is the chief jury at “The 1st POLUS Architectural Design Competition”.
Registration Date:April. 30. 2014
Risaku Suzuki x Jun Aoki “Architecture and Photographer and”
A special event in commemoration of opening of “IMA CONCEPT STORE.”
Aoki will be a guest speaker for Risaku Suzuki’s talk event.
DATE : 2014.3.25 7pm~
The lecture about Kunio Maekawa’s “Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudo”, with Hiroshi Matsukuma.
Kanagawa Kenritsu Ongakudo Observation vol.6 -the 60th Anniversary-
Date: 2014.2.28 friday 3pm start/ 2pm open
Guest: Jun Aoki,(Architect), Hiroshi Matsukuma(Architectural historian), Marie Nishiyama(Cembalist, Renaissance harpist)
商店建築 1月号 「次世代のストアデザイン」50 Designers NEXT GENERATION OF STORE DESIGN
Louis Vuitton Matsuya Ginza was reviewed in “50 Designers NEXT GENERATION OF STORE DESIGN”, SHOUTENKENCHIKU January 2014.
The cover is the night view of Louis Vuitton Matsuya Ginza.
新建築12月号 「特集:ストラクチャーの再編」-既存の構成を変える作り方-
Shinkenchiku December is featuring articles of「Red and Blue line」by Jun Aoki and Hiroshi Ugito (Spiders) from Aichi Triennale 2013 and Louis Vuitton Matsuya Ginza.
The cover is an exhibition image of 「Red and Blue line」by Jun Aoki and Hiroshi Ugito (Spiders)
New linked blog page for Miyoshi City Hall at site.